
Queenscliff Lonsdale Yacht Club

Sailing Clinic Learn to Sail

Event information

Registration for this event closes at Tue 24 Sep 2024 17:00.

A series of introductory clinics for members new to sailing 

The Sailing Clinic A series is designed for people new to sailing who would like to develop an understanding of how to sail the club dinghies. The same skills developed in this program can also be applied in bigger yachts.

Each clinic will last for 3 hours.plus 30 mins set up and 30 mins pack up.
Wherever possible the clinics will use practical learning experiences and a hands-on approach. See topics below:
(there’s also a little background theory to support your understanding.)

day 1

Sailing Clinic A1: How a boat works/sails Setting up a dinghy, parts and rigging  

Sailing Clinic A2: Points of sailing, tacking and gybing. Steering, centerboards and balance. Reading the wind.

Day 2

Sailing Clinic A3: Points of sailing, tacking and gybing. Steering, centerboards and balance. Reading the wind. 

Sailing Clinic A4: Planning for Safety
Getting underway, luffing up and returning to land. Capsize recovery and towing

day 3

 Sailing Clinic A5/A6 Sailing together Putting theory into practice with a family cruise and a special Novices Trophy Race.

Final BBQ cost $5.00 or BYO Picnic at the event end for family and friends

Meet at the clubhouse

Bring water shoes, change of clothes/wetsuit, towel and drinking water bottle. 

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